Effective Case Studies

Chris Do
February 9, 2018

Chris Do talks with a Pro Member about building a portfolio of case studies


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That was so you, men.How are you doing?I'm doing great.Good to see you, man.See you as well.Yeah so I'm currently workingon building the portfolio.And I just wanted to.I'm on a roadblock.I'm trying to figureout the best wayto ensure that this time thatI'm going to stay on this casestudy is going to be the mostbenefits that I'm not puttingin random things inthere or things that notgoing to help the client view meas a solution to the problems.Yeah now I remember reading yourpost, you have a lot of workto do.I saw that I'm like, Ohmy gosh, you and Michaelneed to get togetherbecause that's a crazy list.OK, let's talkabout case studies.I think we have avideo on that already.But let's just talkabout this thing.I want to turn you guysinto learning machines.OK and I'm going toshare it with you,my process, my approachon how to learn thingsand how I try to belike a growth hacker.OK it's very simple.Remind me how yousay your name again.Oh, you were.You were OK.OK you were.What you want to do isyou want to go onto sitesfrom other designers,other people in your fieldwho you look up to.OK That's the powerof the internet,you can searchthrough lots of themand you can filterthem to maybe three.And then what I want youto do is to go in thereand deconstruct eachof their case studies.So one from each is fine.Pick one of the best ones.How did he present the problem?And usually they'regoing to talkabout a business objective.And somewhere nearthe end, they'regoing to talk about results.So if you beginit with a problemand you end it witha result that'sconnected to the problem,the stuff in the middleisn't as importantas you might think.So, so many design companies,so many creative peoplecut the top and thebottom off, and allthey do is show the work well.The work can be pretty.Or it could be ugly, andit's very subjective.It is one way or the other.Well, most business peoplecare about most clientswho will pay you good moneyto care about your results.So say with Ashley, shedoes presentation designand it's unfortunate she can'tpublish a lot of what she does.But if she says the clientcame to me with two weeks,unclear messageand the objectivewas to raise money orgo public, whateverit is that they needed to do.The net result was we raised$50 million in three weeks.Call me if you need this.It's pretty straightforward.OK, so I thinkwhat you want to dois you want to book in your casestudies, what is the problem?And remember, we weretalking about thisbefore about interestingcharacters have a back storyand the back story is related tothe thing that you want to say.So in this case, you'relooking for a problemthat you actually solveand they're tied together.And this is the danger,because many of youguys might hear this andthink, well, the problemwas they needed to update theiridentity system to be moreluxurious and it's all verysubjective goals and in a wayyou can reframe.That is to say my clientswere looking for a wayto grow into a newmarket and they'relooking to attract millennialswith this kind of incomewithin this city.The solution was to come upwith this luxurious upscaleor whatever it isthat you want to say.And here's the design.And the net resultwas we had 500% growthin this particular marketwithin this period of time.So like what Ash was saying was.That the design in thiscase is a manifestationof your business thinking.It's not the end product.It's a byproduct.End product, is you gettingthose results for your clients?Whenever I see a great email,whenever I see a great landingpage or salespage, I immediatelycapture that, putit on my desktopand then send itto my team, say,deconstruct thisthing, you guys,and just follow their template.What did you sayat the beginning?They start out withsome bombastic benefitto the customer.We'll help youquadruple your growth.Fantastic what arewe going to do?We're going to help you improveyour design skills four times.Just say something similar.Then they come inwith an objection.Is this right for me?Why you should act onthis now, whatever it is,we just follow the template.In that way, everythingthat you see in your lifethat you like and admire.Becomes your teacher.So you don't needme to tell you whatmakes for a great case study.You already know what onelooks like because theyexist everywhere.All right.That's good.Thank you.You work good.Yeah fantastic.

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