Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Chris Do
April 20, 2017

Chris Do leads a keynote on setting short-term and long-term goals that are specific and measurable.


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OK, I want to talkabout SMART goals.And some of you guys alreadyreferenced the smart goals,you guys have been on thecalls before you've beenpaying attention to videos.You know what I'mgoing talk about?Smart is an acronym that youhave specific, very specificgoals that are measurable,that are actionable,something that you cando versus a feelingthat the results focusand their time bound.Let's rock and roll.Put some tunes on this personalor business or everything,everything, everything youwant to get the next slide,please pardon me.Can you please go back to slide?Oh, that would help, huh?Let me what am I doing,what am I sharing here?Thank you.You're welcome.All right.Play some music, you guys.I don't know if youguys can hear it or not.OK, so we're going to move onthe next part of this thingis then to write down howmany years you think it'lltake to achieve those goals.And we're going to puthim in four categories.One year goal.Three, 5 and 10 yeargoals, so you justwrite one, three, 5 and 10next to each one of your goals.Oops, I have a lot of seven.You already wroteit down, it's OK.Seven, we'll put into 10.Let's round up.Because seven seems like aneternity from now, right?So just go ahead andMark them all down.If you're not sure,I'd just round up, ok?Some goals you can hit in amonth that would just be a 1.Now, if you don't have at least16 goals that you've writtendown, you need to write more.You have to have at least 16.That's why 50 is a good number.OK, everybody donewith that part.Now in the book, Jim talksabout developing a balance sheetif your goals thatyou need to havea mix of short andlong range goals.If you're looking at your sheetand they're all ones or 3's.As a problem.You're basically doinga lot of busy workwithout a long rangevision or big goal.And if all your goalsare in the 5 to 10 range,that's also a problem.And that might havebeen Kerry's problemthat she set goals arejust so big that shewasn't even motivated to start.It seems overwhelming.So you want a nice mix, abalance of short term goals,which are quick wins, confidencebuilders and long range thingsare going to get youup every single day.He tells a storyabout astronautswho were on the missionto Mars or to the moon.And when they hit that goal,they came back, a lot of themsuffered from depression.Like, what's bigger thangoing to the moon travelingto like leaving Earth's orbit?So now, as part ofthe regular training,they have much biggergoals too, so theyhave to develop other goalsbesides their space mission.So when you hityour goals and youhave nothing biggerto accomplish,you're kind of done.That's important part now.Anybody care to just quicklysay, yep, some of minewere too big, some ofthem were too small,so we need to even this out.Anybody want to shareanything like thator we all really smart mindsway too small off the list?Yeah so I think I heard Tonysay mine were way too small.No, Jack.Oh, Zach, Zach, you saidyours are way too small.Yeah, I have a lot of ones.Oh, really?OK Yeah.What's what's a goal that youcould put into the 10 category?It's going to take youa long time to get.I guess it's kind of bea content creator whereI can make someincome without clientsor find alternative sources ofincome that are client related.OK, so that's called havinga passive income businessmodel that generatesa million a year.It's a 10 year goal.Yeah, that's I have that down.Oh Yeah.OK well, how many yearsdid you assign for that?10 perfect.So you have OK, youhave one of those.I'm saying, what'sanother one that youcan add like, I want you toadd more long term goals?I guess start my own firm.OK, so if we're going to say 10years, it's not just starting,so it would be to have afirm of a certain size doinga certain kind of work witha certain kind of revenue.Yeah, like I'd eitherI'd either wantto become a partner at thefirm now rather than employeeor start my ownfirm that focuseson branding and visual identity,like within five years.OK, that's a good goal.So what you'llwrite then maybe, isto have equity in the designfirm that you work at minimum.5% good one.OK, so Tony, let'sjump over to Tony.I thought I heard Tony's voice,Tony, did you say something?Oh no, I wasn't sure.What we were supposed toshare was either a one yearor long term goal.No, this is just a kindof a broader conversationto make sure that you havea pretty balanced sheetof short and long term goals.Long range.Is it OK to keep it realistic?Yeah, but your 10year goals tellme one of your 10 year goals.I think one of my10-year goals was.I think.Continuing to learnabout myself more,which is it's kindof abstract, dude.Well, continue therapy,I guess, right?OK OK, so you still want tobe in therapy in 10 years.Yeah, I think it's important.Also, I'll blow my mindout, not in that way.Not literally, figuratively.It's helped to look at balance.Mm-hmm OK, well, whydon't your 10 yeargoal instead of beingin therapy for 10 years,is to help others?In the same positionthat you were into teach 100 people 1,000to teach 10,000 people.The things you'velearned from beingin therapy for the last 10years, I do have that too,but that's under a five year.OK, that's good.Would you like to have likewould you like to be on Oprahsharing your story about howyou change the lives of people?Is that a 10 year goal?I wish that was a five yeargoal, but that what I mean?That was the seriousthing I would.Well, this is your10 year goal then.OK, fine.I'm just asking you tobe specific to dreama little bit bigger,to push the limits asto what you think is possible.That's what 10 yeargoals are about.So to be on the futurein 5 to 10 years, that'sa shorter term goal, man.Go on.Yeah I can dream.I'm just I'm justputting that out there.OK all right.It's the next step, guys.Choose four goals fromeach time category.They're going to pick 4 goalsto four of your favorite goalsfrom the one, three, 5and 10 year category.And then what you're goingto do if you need to.You guys screencapthis, you're goingto write those fourgoals on the left column.And then you're going to writea detailed description of whatyou want.Why do you want this?So this would be the one yeargoals, the three year goals,the five year goalsand the 10 year goals.A detailed description of whatyou want and why you want this.So you should have fourpages at the end of this.With four goals in each pagewith quite a bit of informationin here.All right.We're at the homestretch here.I'm going to wrap thisup in a few minutes.So from the book, we talkabout why have goals?And I think these arereally important thingsto understand about why.Goal setting isreally important.It's because they compelyou to become the person ittakes to achieve them.I want to have abillion company.And that can justbe a wish, or Ihave to startthinking about whatcompanies are worth a billion.What kind of impactdo I have to make?What kind of reachdo I need to have?Who do I have to become?What kinds of thingsdo I have to learn?What kind of disciplinedo I need to apply?How unless I change.So in order for youto achieve your goals?You will have to fundamentallychange, you have to transform.And that's the thing thatpeople don't understand.He talks about this idea thatif you took all the wealthin the world and chopped itup evenly among all the peoplethat lived on the planet.Eventually, all the money wouldmove back to the same people.Those people are not richbecause they're rich,they're rich, because they'refundamentally differentand they think different,they act different,they have different behaviors.And habits.So on your path tobecoming a millionaire.excuse me.The least importantthing is what you have.And conversely, themost important thingis what you have become.Because income rarelyexceeds personal development.But just know that inyour pursuit of this,of these goals, that you havethese clearly defined goals,you will acquire the skills andthe knowledge and experienceto achieve it.And if your minibarand myself and youget overwhelmed withthis kind of stuffand it can be overwhelming.Just take a momentto understand.That your abilities today willgrow to match your dreams.You will change.It will happen.Step by step, youwill get there.Can I jump in for a question?Yes, please.So I think the issue thatI had personally whenI was writing my ideal goals isthat it's funny that sometimesmy definition of successdoesn't representmy real definitionof success, but it'swhat I've heard of other peopleis their definition of success.And I'm trying really hard tobe like, OK, this it's them.This is me, but what do I want?And I'm reallyhaving a hard timecoming up withsomething or like reallydelving deeper to knowexactly what is itthat I want like from 10 years.Because everybody, likewhen you listen everythingon the internet,everybody's like once youhave a billion company, theywant to travel the world.They want to be onpodcast and wantto become a celebrity status.And we are so bombardedwith that it becomes reallyhard to just tunewith ourselves and belike, this is my success.So I think that'swhen I struggle.I understand.Yes OK, good.I mean, there aresome personal things.Maybe part of the exerciseis to maybe lock yourselfinto a room to kind of beat a peaceful state of mind,turn off your phone, turn offeverything, whatever gets youinto a state where you canhave that level of comfortwith yourself,whether it's musicor have a glass ofwine, whatever it is,just sit down and start to thinkabout what you'd like to do.A lot of this stuff, if youframe it through the if moneywere no object, whatwould I want in my life?I might help you.But it's interesting,and I guessI have to admit that I'mas influenced as everybodyelse in the world,I'm not sayingI'm devoid ofinfluence myself, but Ifeel like my goals arethe things that I want.Maybe we can talk about thisa little bit more later.Just want to make sure I haveonly just two more slides here.This is a really coolthought from the book.Which is you don't have to bethe person you were yesterday.Every day.You get a chance to startover to wipe the slate clean.Is something happened in yourpast that you don't like?tomorrow's anotheropportunity to do it.The way you want.I think I need to getthat tattooed on my arm.That's pretty severe.But you can, if youlike it's I heardfrom my firstcreative director sayyou're only as good as thelast time you screwed upand that sort ofcarried with me.So I have a tendencyto carry everything.I don't like that.It's not positive.No, it's not.I hate that.That is things that peoplesay to you, to motivateyou to work harder for them.Like, my legacy is built onthe last thing that I did.Well, if you didsomething great,then you would just stop.And it says you haveto prove yourselfto the world every single day.I just don't like that at all.Now, there's a lot of emotionalbaggage that comes with that.I think so, Yeah.That could be crippling, too.I don't like that.It also means that while you'reworking, you're thinking,this is it.Everything that I am, allmy taste, all my ideas.People will judge meright now right here.I don't like that.Let's flip it.So when I screw up, I don'tlook at it like, Oh my gosh,what a loser thisis, it everybodyknows you for being that loser.My mentality is,yeah, I messed up.This is just abyproduct of growth.You guys know whatgrowing pains are, right,those teenage years where yougrow too fast for your bodyand your body aches.That's what mistakes are for me.This is a sign of growth.There's something thathe shared in the bookthat I thought was reallyrelevant to about productivitybecause he sayseverybody says, howdo I become more productive?How do I becomemore efficient, howto use more of my time touse my time more effectively?So here it is, productivity.Is the byproductor the result ofhaving a well-definedobjectives?So now I want to addressthis thing with winnebaand want to talk just brieflyhere, I want to tell you guys,first of all, thisis a thank you.This is the end of the deck.If we use this as a generalrule as to how we set our goals,we're going to domuch, much better.Now, looking forwardinto 2018 we'regoing to set some new goals,so here's a long range goalexercise from Mr Jim Rohn.And I'll bereferencing this booklike forever, because there'slots of actionable thingsI learned from reading thebook, so you can buy the bookand read it.You can watch thevideo on YouTubeor you can justkeep listening to mebecause I'll keepsharing everything that Ithought was good from the book.All right.Each and every one of you guysis what we're going to do.We're not going to doit in the next week.Yeah, let's do it.Let's do it together.All right.We'll do it.So everybody needsto get somethingthat you can type or write on.And there's some rules tohow we do this together.So the first questionis, what do you want?Within the next one to 10 years.And we're going togive us 10 minutesto do this and not 15 Allied.And the thing is,what you want to dois write down as manyideas as possiblewithout thinkingabout, is this doable?Is this a short term goal?What kind ofresources do I need?We don't care about any of that.All right.And here are somequestions to helpyou get your mind flowing here.You're going to writedown as many thingsthat you want to get within thenext 10 years, 1 to 10 years.What do I want to do?What do I want to be?What do I want to see?What do I want to have?Where do I want to go?What would I like to share?OK and I'm going to set,so this is pretty muchwhat we're going to do.This is you can I'llgive you this PDF later.But for the sake of whatwe have to do right now,you can pull up text, edit.You can just do it on anotepad and pencil or whateveryou want to do.Write down as many goalsbased on those prompts.I'm going to keep those promptsup and go set the timer.I don't need to set the timer.It's 10 21 at 10 51.We're going to stopthis, OK, and I'llplay some music for youguys or something like that.What I want to do.What do I want tobe see, I have.Where do I want to go?What will I like to share?I want to write downas many as possible.The goal is to get 50 thingsdown on this piece of paper.And then we'll dealwith how many yearsit will take to get there.All right, you guys.1042 let's go.


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